
Shingo讨论 | 贡献2010年6月9日 (三) 16:49的版本

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  1. 网络地址
  2. 简介
    • CrossRef 是Digital Object Identifier (DOI)的官方注册机构,它成立于2000年,在出版商之中起联结的作用使在线学术期刊跨出版商引用联系成为可能。现在CrossRef已经是DOI模型最健全的应用,互联了成百上千万不同类型的文献,包括期刊、图书、研究稿、技术报告、数据集。它被广泛应用于欧洲学术出版机构。
    • The expense is paid for by the journal publishers. Initially, there was some resistance from publishers who did not want to link to articles published by some other publisher, but by now every major academic publisher uses the system to their mutual advantage. It is also possible for users to search for articles directly from the CrossRef website.
    • The core CrossRef system was built by Atypon.
  3. 使用方法