南开-LIS:http://blog.schoollibrarymedia.com/index.php/2014/08/12/school-library-converted-to-jetspace/。南开-LIS:美国的非常基本的media center的变革。南开-LIS:http://www.imls.gov/about/learning_labs.aspx吸引青少年进入图书馆和博物馆的学习实验室的项目。南开-LIS:The concept of Library Learning Labs is a form of libraries reinventing themselves to meet the needs of the present. CNN explained in an article on Library Learning Labs that youth libraries have become zones for youths to ‘hang out, mess around, and geek out’.The concepts of ‘hanging out’, ‘messing around’ and ‘geeking out’ on their own give off the impression that a library space as we know it is becoming much more casual, potentially less academically astute, and more of a community center。南开-LIS:鼓励小伙伴们走出来,到图书馆来做些好玩的有意义事。南开-LIS:I would argue that in many ways the core of what a library is, as a center for learning, sharing and creating is maintained, just simply in a more contemporary and engaging way. ‘Hanging out’, ‘messing around’ and ‘geeking out’ are mediums of communication and creativity. Library Learning Labs is perhaps what the future of the Library should and will look like. If this is the case, the question is how can we use these ideas to develop our media centers now?南开-LIS:图谋老师不是问过我什么是专业性嘛,这个是我ta那门课的学生对 Library Learning Labs事件的‘专业’思考。南开-LIS:现在我在改的作业是学生(他们大多是有经验的学校图书馆员)们需要跟踪一大堆博客和邮件组,跟踪现在图书馆界的新技术新事件,然后用课上学到的专业思维和知识去批判性地看这些介绍,结合自己地工作给出短评。Nalsi:这门课不错。南开-LIS:这就是资源建设地课程作业。。南开-LIS:The concept of a library is evolving. It has seemingly developed from an organism of housing information to one for engaging creativity, fostering new ideas and invention.南开-LIS:我喜欢这句话,也是美国图书馆公认地发展方向。lib2005:谁能给翻译一下。南开-LIS:图书馆的内涵在不断发展变化中,从信息的储藏室转变为促发创新、新思想和新创造的学习创造中心。南开-LIS:他是从他读的所有博客当中总结出来的。lib2005:多谢,这句话真的很好。南开-LIS:怎么让这个在中国变成现实而不是漂亮的句子。应该是我们要思考的。lib2005:首先得明白人家的先进思想,然后才能逐步付诸行动。lib2005:知道我从你这里学到了这个先进的思想。城市天空:一大早就讨论行动啦。天涯:前面的译文译成‘进行创新活动,蕴育新观念和新发明的地方’比较准确一点。