
公共小*:各位老师,求助百度文库http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=bjmvs2ZHO9tc0ReuTQGZrE3A88eV5AiKyV1QebObB4LiqwNfInuWTg5o-uBwcYcV07o 0g7GAH0xN_mSWvFNDfODBQjqJXnzBt1-ncO9-LFm。
空空:图书馆用语renew 续借available 可获得的out on loan 借出的reserve/book 预借closed reserved 只读不借in circulation 在书库里outcirculation 借走了not for circulation 不外借classification 分类bibliography 书目( 籍者检索目录) on the shelf 在书架上newspaper 报纸journal 日报periodical(magazines and journals)定期刊物current/back issues 现今/以后发行category 种类return in time 及时归还interlibrary service 图书馆际服务open/closed shelves 开架/ 闭架书库librarian 图书馆长catalogue(undertitles/authors/subjects)目录reference stacks 书库delivery desk/circulation desk 借书台call slip 借书单(索书单) check out 登记并借出charge out 把……借出来library card/admission card 借书卡date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限due 应付费overdue and pay a fine 过期并交罚款。提供帮助及服务8、请问您在找什么资料吗? Are you looking for anything special? 9、您要找什么书或信息? Areyou looking for any books or information? 10、这是本室的介绍资料。Here is theintroduction of this room. 11、请跟我来。Follow me, please. 12、这是您要的书。Here are the books you need. 13、我强烈向您建议本馆/本室的…(资料)。Istrongly recommend you … in this library/in this room. 14、我馆的开放时间是除星期三之外的每天早上九点到晚上九点。This library is available from 9:00A.M. to 9:00 P.M. everyday except Wednesday. 15、对不起,您需要办借书证才能借这里的书。I am sorry. You need a library card to check out the books in thisroom. 16、请到服务台办理借书手续。Please check out at the service desk. 17、请到一楼办证处办证。You can get your library card at the card issuing counter onthe first floor. 18、对不起,本室的资料不予外借。Sorry. The items in this roommay not be checked out. 19、您一次只能借两本。You may borrow two items atany time. 20、您可以使用他人的证件借书,但须同时出示持证人的身份证或护照的复印件。It is allowed to check out items with another person’s library card, butyou must show a copy of the owner’s I.D card or passport at the same time. 21、您可以借阅本室的视听资料,但不允许复制。The videos and CDs in this roomcan be borrowed. But you should use them only for personal purpose and cannotmake copies. 22、借期一个月,最后还书日期是五月5 号。You can keep theitems for one month. The due date is May 5th. 23、您可以通过以下两种方式之一进行续借:在线续借或电话续借。You can renew your items in either of thefollowing ways: Internet or telephone. 24、本室中的资料过期每天每册罚款一角。The overdue fine for the materials in this room is 0.1 yuan per item per day. 25、若您有任何需要帮忙的地方,请拨电话:… If you need any help, please dial …. 26、这是本馆的专题书目。Here are the catalogues on special topics. 27、很抱歉,您要的书已经被其他人借走。I am sorry. The book you are looking for has beenchecked out 28、我已经记下了您的问题。I have made a note of your question.29、请您留下电话,我将尽快给您回复。Would you please leave your telephonenumber? I would call you back as soon as possible. 30、读者可全天24 小时通过互联网获取我馆的网络化服务。The library ’ s on-line services are availabletwenty-four hours a day on Internet. 31、您的书已经过期五天,请缴纳一元罚款。Your books are overdue for five days. You should pay 1.00 Yuan as the fine. 办证32、请填写这张表格。Please fill in this form. 33、请在空格中填写您的姓名、性别、出生日期、年龄、职业、国籍、身份证或护照号码等。Please fill in the blankswith your name, gender, birth date, age, career, nationality, the number of your I.D.card or passport, etc. 34、请出示您的身份证或护照。Please show me your I.D.card or passport. 35、您需要提供一张小一吋的照片。A small photo is required foryour library card. 36、请您缴纳205 元,其中200 元是押金,5 元为工本费。Pleasepay 205 Yuan. 200 is the deposit and 5 is the cost. 37、当您退证时,押金将全额返还。When you cancel your card, the deposit will be returned to you fully. 38、您的证已办理完毕,请不要遗失。一旦遗失,请立即挂失。Your card has beenprocessed successfully. Be sure not to lose it. Once you cannot find it, you shouldreport to the library immediately. 电话用语39、您好,这里是广州图书馆。Hello,this is Guangzhou Library. 40、您好,我想请李先生(小姐/红包士)听电话。Hello,could I speak to Mr. /(Miss/Ms. ) Li? 41、我就是。Speaking 42、请稍候,我马上叫他/她。Hold the line please. I’ll go to get him/her 43、对不起,他/她出去了,您要留口信吗? Sorry, but he/She is out. Would you like to leave a message?44、续借:请告诉我您的图书证号好吗? Could you please tell me the number ofyour library card? 45、请不要挂线,我现在为您办理续借手续。Hold on please,and I will process your application right now. 46、您的续借手续已经办完,最后归还日期为… Your application has been processed successfully. The items shouldbe returned by the date of …. 47、对不起,您的书已经过期,不能续借。Sorry,your items are overdue and may not be renewed. 。



