The Digital Shift: Libraries @ the Center virtual conference。

城市天空:On October 1, 2014, the fifth annual Digital Shift: Libraries@ the Center will address key issues in the changing role of academiclibrarianship, including the impact of ‘Big Data,’ partnering withfaculty to achieve successful student outcomes, translating libraryinstruction into the online environment, and teaching new levels ofliteracies to help adults effectively navigate an increasingly complexinformation environment.This free, full-day online event will feature avariety of sessions focused on acadmic libraries。,有兴趣的可以去注册一下。


[1]圕人堂QQ群知识库.The Digital Shift: Libraries @ the Center virtual conference。[EB/OL].(2014-09-26)[2024-07-07].

[2]城市天空.The Digital Shift: Libraries @ the Center virtual conference。[DB/OL].圕人堂周讯,2014(20):20.

[3]城市天空.The Digital Shift: Libraries @ the Center virtual conference。[DB/OL].(2014-09-26)[2024-07-07].